Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution allowing Advancing Science Worldwide to increase access to science more than it already is.
All donations, no matter how small, go directly towards funding our programs and furthering our purpose and mission. Even a gift as small as $3 can ship a science textbook to those in need.
Thus, your gift today is an investment in our collective future, one in which we hope there will be as many scientists as possible to help solve our world's problems.
By making a secure electronic donation on this page, you will receive an email receipt as a record of your donation for tax purposes as well as news and updates from us on how your gift has helped increase access to science around the world.
Donations by checks or money orders may be made out to Advancing Science Worldwide and mailed to:
4955 S Quiet Way
Gilbert, AZ 85298
Donations of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dai, Ethereum, Litecoin, and USD Coin are accepted through the "Donate with Crypto" button above.
Donations via wire transfers are accepted at the account with details available here. Once the transfer is completed, send a copy of the wire receipt to info@aswinc.org and we will send you a receipt acknowledging the donation.
Donations of stock can be facilitated using the form available here. All necessary instructions are printed on the form.
We have partnered with CARS™ to accept vehicle donations. The process is extremely easy and vehicles can be picked up for free. Visit this link to get started.
Donations via Zelle® are accepted at the email info@aswinc.org. Once the transfer is completed, send a screenshot of the confirmation page to info@aswinc.org and we will send you a receipt acknowledging the donation.