Today, we received confirmation that Founders High School and the Tshabalala Library (pictured below) in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe have received our April 15, 2019 Library Outreach shipment. The shipment included over 575 books in the subjects of science, technology, engineering, and math. The books are meant for all ages and will be used to supply the two facilities with a multitude of scientific reading materials.
Derek Mafohla, head of the Tshabalala Library, believes he captured the sentiments of the library regulars when he said that those in the area "are wholeheartedly grateful for such a wonderful gesture."
Ratidzo Mugomba, a science teacher at Founders High School (pictured below), expressed similar sentiments, saying that "what seems like just a few books to you is a whole new library to the children. For some, it has rekindled interest in science. For some, it has made them believe they can be scientists who will one day change the world. Again we cannot thank you enough."
Once again, we would like to thank all of our supporters for their continued support. Truthfully, we could not have done this without you and hope for your support well into the future.
Some more pictures from the shipment are below. As we receive more pictures, we will post them here as well.